WinCC flexible

This project involved the upgrade of older, closed, proprietary operator interface and data acquisition systems to the more modern Siemens WinCC flexible software.

The older software running on 8 office-grade desktop computers running Windows XP used a combination of C, VB4, and Microsoft Access, with an additional Windows XP computer using MS Access as the central storage for historical data.

They were upgraded to industrial computers with Windows 7, with the software converted to VB Script within WinCC flexible, and Microsoft SQL Server for the storage of historical and recipe data both locally on each of the process computers, and a new central Data Server.

The result is that the client has more reliable hardware in the industrial computers, with software that can be modified as needed, with more reliable and robust data management.

The project is on-going because there are constant requests from the client to improve and customize their process, which they could not do prior to the upgrading of their software.

This project was also completed over time because production could not be stopped for more than several hours at a time. I was able to do completely offline simulation and testing to minimize the downtime for upgrading. The work was completed remotely off-site using remote connectivity tools.