PLC, Allen-Bradley, Rockwell, Simulation

Allen-Bradley PLC Simulation Software

On this page, you will find information about the different variants of Rockwell Allen-Bradley PLC simulation software, the operating system required, and the latest version available.
Note: the links below are subject to change. If there is a problem with one or more of the links, please fill out our contact form at the bottom of this page.

Studio 5000 Logix Emulate V32.00.00

9310-WED200ENE Studio 5000 Logix Emulate
Studio 5000 Logix Emulate is included in Logix Designer Professional Edition

Operating systems (64-bit):
Windows 7 SP1 Professional/Ultimate/Enterprise
Windows 10 Professional/Enterprise

PLCs Simulated:
Control GuardLogix
Compact GuardLogix




Studio 5000 Logix Emulate starts at V24.01.01 V24.01.00 and earier, the software is known as RSLogix Emulate 5000.

We can assist you with your Studio 5000 Logix Designer or RSLogix 5000 programming needs. Our contact form is at the bottom of this page.

Connected Components Workbench Emulation (CCW) V12.00.00

Free Download – CCW Workbench Standard ESD Software
9328-CCWDEVENE CCW Workbench – Developer ESD Software

CCW version 12.00 comes with the Micro800 Simulator. The simulator is available in both Standard (can stay in run mode for 10 minutes) and Developer (24 hours) editions.

Operating system:
Windows 7 SP1 Professional (32-bit & 64-bit)
Windows 10 Professional/Enterprise (32-bit & 64-bit)*
*requires .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 to be installed

PLCs Simulated:


Learn About Connected Components Workbench Software
Connected Components Workbench (CCW) Software
Connected Components Workbench (CCW) Simulator


Connected Components Workbench (CCW) is a Rockwell Automation software offering for standalone control applications. It supports the Micro800 family of PLCs, PowerFlex 4-class, PowerFlex 7-class, PowerFlex 750-class, and PowerFlex 520-series drives and all drive peripherals and PanelView Component and PanelView 800 operator interface displays.
We can assist you with your CCW programming needs. Our contact form is at the bottom of this page.

RSLogix Emulate 500 V6.00.00

9310-WE0200E RSLogix Emulate 500

Operating systems (64-bit only):
Windows XP Professional up to SP2

Download Cable Part#:
Standard Ethernet Cable (PLCs with Ethernet on CPU or PLC with Ethernet module)
1747-CP3 DF1 RS-232 Cable
1747-UIC USB DH-485 Interface Converter
9300-USBCBL-CP3 USB-Serial cable for SLC
9300-USBCBL-PM02 USB-Serial cable for MicroLogix

PLCs Supported:




1747 SLC™ 5/01 and 5/02 series controllers are discontinued and no longer available for sale. As of August 31, 2018, 1746 SLC 5/03 8K series controllers will be discontinued and no longer available for sale. To support your transition, it is recommended that you migrate to the CompactLogix 5370 or Compact Logix 5380 control platform.
We can assist you in upgrading from SLC500 to ControlLogix, or to the PLC of your choice. Our contact form is at the bottom of this page.

RSLogix Emulate 5 V5.00.08

9310-WE5200E RSLogix Emulate 5

Operating systems (32-bit):
Windows XP Home/Professional

PLCs Supported:


RSLogix Emulate 5 Software and Driver Operating System Compatibility
RSLogix Emulate 5 has encountered a problem and needs to close


The PLC5 Control System is discontinued, and the recommended migration is to the ControlLogix Control System.
We can assist you in upgrading from PLC5 to ControlLogix, or to the PLC of your choice. Our contact form is at the bottom of this page.

Contact us for help with your Rockwell / Allen-Bradley PLC Software programming needs.

    Fill out the form below, or call us by phone at one of the numbers at the very bottom of this page.